Updates from 2004

2004-12-08: Design

Added a page for my design project at uoft/ece496/.

2004-11-02: BBall

Forum for basketball pool created on bball.bitstring.org.

2004-10-27: Domain registered

This site is now located at bitstring.org as well as cobe.dyndns.org.

2004-10-12: Proper site map

I decided this page is not a proper site map (it's just an overview), so I've added a proper site map. This page will now have structural changes listed in this column and content changes listed in the opposite column.

2004-10-11: Structure change; Greenland update

The site is now built using a shell script; something bad is bound to happen (probably broken links). I've also changed the css so you will see new colours (2 to be exact). Guide for tea preparation added on greenland/.

2004-08-05: Added uoft

Added a sub site for my some of the work I've done at UofT.

2004-06-27: Added misc, about

Added a miscellaneous page for assorted small programs. Currently holds ListGen, a random group generator. I've also made a set of pages describing me, this site, some useful tools and a links page.

2004-06-25: Added tenk, singe

Added a page for TenkCert (certificate printing program), and Mo's singe page.

2004-06-07: ICFP submission pages added

Added submission pages for Team Monkeys 2003 and 2004 contest entries.